Tag Archives: The Hobbit

Update :)

Sorry, haven’t uploaded much lately, it’s pretty much just been life as usual over here. Teaching, reading, a drink or two, friends, you know, as one does.

I did have some other assistant friends come into town this weekend which meant we were up until about 5am on Sunday morning having been out at a club until 3am or so. It was my first night really going out in Caen, more so than just for a drink or two. It was fun and we all crashed on the apartment floor of my friend’s boyfriend’s place, all 8 of us. It was fun!

Some other assistants and I did a small gift exchange and played charades, which was fun. I didn’t know all of them since it was a UK version and I hadn’t heard of some of the TV shows and movies. But still fun, for sure.

This is the last week of classes for the year. I’ve got Christmas lessons planned and just in case the lil buggers don’t already love me, I’m bringing chocolate. Game, set, match! It’ll be fun, I’m using some pictures from last year at my house for Christmas and some famous American movie clips. I’m excited 🙂

So, now I’ve seen both the Hunger Games and The Hobbit in French. The Hobbit was by far the easiest to follow and understand, but I HATED seeing it in 3D, gosh it was the worst. It just makes it look so cheesy. Oh well. Next I want to see the “Ice Queen” as it is called in French, from Disney. I think it’d be cute to see in French.

Next week I take a few trains and will end up in England for Christmas, more to be posted from those adventures as they happen.

I love Christmas 🙂 Even in another country when my friends and family are back home, it’s still just wonderful 🙂